
Sunday 14 December 2014

Accept Your Flaws

How many of us are perfect? Let's see. NO ONE. No one is perfect. No individual has the perfect everything. Well, there could be but each human being has a different opinion so my kind of 'perfect' could be different from your type of 'perfect'. Some people prefer petite girls while others prefer slender and tall girls. All of us have our own type so why do we still want others to have the same mindset about perfection?

We were all created to be different because if all of us are the same, then what's the point? Imagine if all the characters in a movie were the same, how boring and monotonous would that be? Imagine if Lindsay Lohan acted all the characters in Mean Girls or if Jennifer Lawrence played all the tributes in The Hunger Games Trilogy. HOW BORING WOULD THAT BE OMG.

Society narrows our mindsets about beauty to all the stereotypes. Only girls with big breasts are beautiful. All guys should have abs. Every girl's eyebrows should be on fleek. Girls must cake their face with makeup. So what happens to they girls who naturally have small breasts? The guys who don't have abs? The girls who don't wear makeup? They get criticism which makes them want to change themselves and to be accepted by society.We are all trying to impress people with things that aren't even important. That's how competitive our society is.

We need to stop this right now. One way is to accept our flaws. Everyone has flaws. For me, my flaws are that i don't have thick eyebrows. My eyebrows are quite light and thin and most of the time, people make fun of them. I used to hate it when people did that, i thought it was a kind of insult. But now, i just shrug and forget. I can't stop them from making comments, so why should i waste my time trying to change the way i look? So what if i don't have thick eyebrows? Will it make me a better person? Another flaw is that i am dark. Let me rephrase that. I am tanned. I'm an ambivert which means i like going outdoors and also staying indoors. I like playing sports so it's not a surprise that i'll stay under the sun and get tanned. I also went to Phuket and Maldives which means A HELLA LOT OF SUNSHINE. I was also quite pressured by society and i hated the fact that i was so tanned. I used to hate myself and blame myself but now i don't really give a damn anymore. If someone commented on my skin tone, then i'll just admit it and let them be. 

The next time people comment on the way you look or the way you talk, don't let the comments bring you down. Accept your flaws and move on. Being 'perfect' doesn't have a sentimental value anyway and besides, will you still have your 'perfection' when you grow old? All your beauty will trickle away as you age. 

One advice,' The moment you accept your flaws, no one can use them against you.'

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