
Saturday 27 October 2012

Overcome Anger

I get mad. You get mad. Everyone gets mad. Anger is a normal human emotion and it is the way that your subconscious mind releases mental and emotional pressure but sometimes this normal psychological function can run amok and lead you astray. Getting angry is normal, letting anger get the best of you is not. You get out of control if:
  • You find yourself getting angry at everything that inconveniences you, annoys you or otherwise gets in the way of what you want to be doing. 
  • It leads to you act out aggressively or violently as in yelling, ranting, hitting, shoving or plotting revenge.
  • It consumes you long after the event has passed , if you dwell on the things that make you angry then you're in trouble because normal angry is temporary emotional response to unsettling eternal stimuli.
  • Things that didn't used to make you angry are suddenly major issues worthy of a rant, this does not apply to times when you have suppressed normal anger only to times that anger isn't merited, for example when somebody gets a higher grade than you or when a person is taking too long in the bathroom.
  • You find yourself doing self destructive things to cope with your angry feelings, such as reckless driving, hazardous recreational activities, physical fighting, drugs and alcohol or unsafe or random sexual activity.
Here are some tips on How To Control Your Anger : 
  • If you're too angry to think rationally, remove yourself from the situation
  • Give yourself a few quiet moments alone to cool down. Think of something relaxing.
  • When you fell your body relaxing, take  few deep breaths.
  • Return to the original situation and try a different approach.
  • If your new approach doesn't help you stay in control your temper, repeat the tips above.

  • Find something that relaxes you (music, skateboarding, drawing. etc.) and do it regularly.
  • If you've got a problem with someone, don't hold it inside, let him/her know about it.
Hope this helps you (^_^)

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