
Sunday 22 January 2017

How To Be Healthy and Lose Weight

The million-dollar question of the century. Don't be embarrassed if you've ever asked this question because it's ordinary. Thanks to the industrial revolution, fast and processed food become popular among the Western countries and soon spread to Asia. People wanted food to be quicker, cheaper, more convenient and better tasting. So what did the companies do? They added a 'touch' of preservatives, colourings, addictives, conditioners, enhancers, flavourings and god knows what else. Companies also started using pesticides and fertilisers for vegetables and growth-stimulating hormones for animals to increase their yield and mass. Customers were satisfied with what they were getting and their sales exploded. But not everything that glitters is gold.



The side effects did not emerge until the late 1990s where the number of people and children becoming obese had shot up. More and more people were developing cardiovascular and circulatory diseases and people were dying younger and younger. The percentage of people becoming obese in the United States grew from less than 15 percent to 30 percent or higher between 1990s and late 2000s (according to Harvard School of Health).The public were not aware and even if they were, they would not have cared.  If food was good, it meant life was good. It wasn't entirely their fault because after years and years of living off scraps, they finally had the chance to afford good food. 

Till this day, the fast food market continues to thrive as the younger generation aka us, are more adventurous with our food and always like to take a step further. Our curiosity and society shapes us to always want whatever everyone wants and just follow the trend. Fortunately, our awareness of the food we consume is kicking back thanks to social networks, News spread and they spread fast.

So what can we do to avoid putting rubbish into our bodies? It is impossible to entirely remove these foods because everything we eat already contains chemicals but we can try to avoid it the most we can. 

1. Avoid Processed and Fast Food
These are a big no-no because not only do they contain chemicals our body cannot break down, they also contain a large amount of saturated fats and sugar. As the intake is excessive, our body stores it around our vessels and the build up may pose threat to our circulatory system. 

2. Eat Less Meat, More Greens
Meats are high in cholesterol and fats so eating more meat will increase the risks of developing heart diseases, diabetes and cancer (according to Grace Communications Foundation). On the other hand, vegetables contain a higher amount of protein, zinc, magnesium and fibre. It also contains low fats.

By eating less meat, we reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere, thus slowing down climate change. To satisfy the demand of the public, livestock farmers have to clear land to make space for the animals especially cows. This means trees are cut down and a reduction in the conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen. Also, animals release much more carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere (according to Skeptical Science).

3. Reduce Intake of Rice and Other Carbs
This may be hard to do as everybody knows, Asians love rice and noodles. As it is a carbohydrate, it contains large amounts of energy and protein. Combined with fish, meat, soup and vegetables, the intake of energy becomes higher and higher. When we take in more energy than our body needs, our body stores it as fat. 

To balance your diet, try to eat an amount of rice the size of your fist. This ensures we do not eat too less or too much. If it is possible, try to reduce the amount of carbs day by day. I personally try to eat only one serving of rice or noodles per day. But always remember, to eat more protein (still less) and vegetables to make sure you have enough energy. 
Remember, not eating will not make you lose weight.

4.  Eat Less, More Often
Some people perceive that we should eat fewer meals a day and more every serving. This is totally wrong because eating more every meal will cause your stomach to expand and less able to shrink back. This causes you to permanently eat more because when you eat less, you are less satisfied and your mind tricks you into eating more. Also, you may get gastric when you stay too long without eating. By eating smaller servings and more meals, it regulates your blood sugar so you reach your satisfaction and become hungry less often. Every two to three hours, try to grab snacks or small meals.

5. Say No To Supper
Eating late at night causes your body to take in more calories thus making it easier for you to gain weight. This isn't the case for everyone but eating at night often leads to a gain of extra calories which will cause weight gain. If you are hungry at night, try to eat light snacks and avoid heavy meals.

6. Get Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep can also lead to weight gain as it causes your metabolism rate to go down. A lack of sleep messes up with our hormones often lead us to eating 'comfort' foods (according to Webmd). We are all guilty of this so it's time to catch up on our sleep.

7. Exercise
This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go to the gym and work your ass off, but it can just be a stroll in the park or walking up extra flights of stairs. Allowing your muscles to be frequently moving will keep your engine going. It also burns off the extra calories you have taking in. Only exercising will not make you lose weight but there must be a balance of eating healthily too. Many people have the misconception that working out alone and not changing their eating habits will help them lose weight. What's the point in losing so many calories at the gym and putting twice as much back into your body right afterwards? 

Start with light exercises and slowly your body will get used to it. If you don't like working out at the gym, you can even try dancing, a much more enjoyable way to burn those calories. It depends on what your workout style is like, one size does not fit all. If it works for you, then go ahead and work that body.

A lot of factors contribute to your health so make sure you have a balance in all of them. This also includes genetics so if you are not losing weight, it's okay. What matters is you are trying your best to be healthy. Don't be afraid if the results don't show up immediately. Slow progress is still progress so don't give up! 

1 comment:

  1. Being healthy means different things to different people. But everything boils down to the fact that people should not be overweight/underweight. Thank you for sharing this useful information.

    Evan Marcus
    Organic Noni Juice
