
Sunday 5 March 2017

The Four Letter Word, Love - Romance

Ah romance, the pleasurable feeling from an emotional attraction towards another person often associated with sexual attraction (according to Wikipedia) or in other words, falling in love with someone. It's rare to find someone who loves you sincerely from the bottom of their heart, i mean the probability of finding your potential soulmate is approximately one out of 10,000 (according to Project M). But perhaps the numbers are not as grim for you personally. Reminder: it's only an approximation.

As the chances of you meeting your potential soulmate are so small, the lovers we meet on our journey come and go. This is just life. But how do we know if they are really the one? How do we know they are our true soulmate? To be frank, i don't know either. But i do know what it's like to fall into a world of romance.

Not everyone you meet leaves a mark on you and gives you a unique feeling but when they do, you know that this person is somehow special to you. Even the smallest things they do, will make you melt and you just don't know why! To others, they maybe just a meh, but to you they are perfect. It's not that love is blind, it sees, but it just chooses to ignore. Their flaws become perfection for you and it feels like there's only you and them in the world.

As time goes by, your love for them either increases or it fades away. Time either concentrates, or dilutes. You just slowly drift away from each other not knowing why, not knowing how. You can no longer tolerate their once-loved personality and it feels like you are dating a totally different person. You don't put in as much as effort as before and you see each other less often. The once long night conversations become a simple 'goodnight' and then you lay on your bed thinking, what went wrong?
Both of you were matches, that burnt too brightly.

Is this the period where you realise that both of you are just not right together? Should you break up? Or should you continue mending this broken relationship? If you were meant to be, no matter how far you drift, you will always end up going back to each other. It takes patience, forgiveness and understanding to have a strong foundation in your relationship. The right one will love you no matter how hard it is to deal with you. They will love you on your darkest nights, on the days were you just aren't you, the days when you're sick, and on every other day. The right one won't make you keep on thinking, ' does he/she still love me?' because they show it so often, you would never doubt it. They don't mind your bad temper or bad habits because this is you.

It isn't hard to fall in love, but it's hard to stay in love. I think that falling in love isn't your choice, but staying in love is. You choose to tolerate their habits, you choose to be with them instead of your friends, you choose to buy them flowers and you choose to love them every day. It's the effort that counts. How often you show your love to them, is how much you choose them. The moment you stop putting in effort and showing your love, is the day they start doubting. And doubts are poison that intoxicates love.

Dear girls: Don't be too harsh on guys, they are not your ATM and they are certainly not your servant. Love is equal so if you wanna be pampered, pamper your guy too. Even though they don't often show, guys like to be showered with affection too. And also, don't be afraid to let go if the relationship is not what you want. You don't have to send nudes or do what he orders you to do, to gain his love. If he really loved you, he would never use authority to control you in this relationship in the first place. Respect yourself because you are human too. You deserve all the love the world can give, so don't settle for less. I know you may think he's the only guy in the world and you'll never find someone else, trust me, you will find someone who will love you in the ways your guy didn't. Set yourself free, travel, learn new things, grow and find yourself first. Always put yourself first because your life is in your hands, It's okay if he doesn't love you, you will love you.

Dear guys; Spoil your girl, but make sure they spoil you too. In a relationship, it requires equal effort so don't settle for a girl who treats you like a servant but still wants you to treat her like a queen. Vice versa, don't treat your girl like your maid and show authority. A relationship requires mutual respect. She didn't fall in love with you to become your full-time maid. There's no such thing as gender roles, it's already the 21st century. You don't have to 'man up' for girls to like you, you don't have to do what society tells you to. It's okay to cry, to be sad and to be angry, you have feelings too. Keeping it all inside won't help anyways. Tell your girl why you are the way you are, so she can be there for you and know how to comfort you because you are human too. Love yourself too, your world doesn't only revolve around one person.

Dear everyone: Never fall in love with looks because it'll fade away, instead, fall in love with personality. Don't settle if it's not what you want. Love is such a fragile thing so make sure you are completely ready before you settle. You've gotta be fair to yourself and others. And it's okay if you haven't found love yet, love will find you.

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