
Monday 21 August 2017

2017: An Update

I guess i'm pretty good at the hide and seek game since i've been MIA for 5 months. Apologies from me to everyone out there (IF there are people reading my blog LOL). I can say the first half of 2017 has been a rollercoaster ride but i'm still alive so i guess that's something to be proud of. So here's the short update:

1. April 
I started working as a waitress and it really opened my eyes to the outside world. I may not have a 6 figure salary, but my blood, sweat and tears were definitely worth it. And also, i'm pretty proud to say i bought sport shoes for myself, by myself, for the first time. Cheers to the future!

2. May
Started college and it was the biggest step in my life. Honestly, it needs a whole new post for that.

3. June
Peaceful month where nothing special really happened.

4. July
The passing of a family member really hit me and till now, i can't really face it.

5. August 
Preparing for finals oh my godddd.

I guess i'll need to gather my brain juices before i try to write another post. 
To anyone reading this: have faith.

Sunday 5 March 2017

The Four Letter Word, Love - Romance

Ah romance, the pleasurable feeling from an emotional attraction towards another person often associated with sexual attraction (according to Wikipedia) or in other words, falling in love with someone. It's rare to find someone who loves you sincerely from the bottom of their heart, i mean the probability of finding your potential soulmate is approximately one out of 10,000 (according to Project M). But perhaps the numbers are not as grim for you personally. Reminder: it's only an approximation.

As the chances of you meeting your potential soulmate are so small, the lovers we meet on our journey come and go. This is just life. But how do we know if they are really the one? How do we know they are our true soulmate? To be frank, i don't know either. But i do know what it's like to fall into a world of romance.

Not everyone you meet leaves a mark on you and gives you a unique feeling but when they do, you know that this person is somehow special to you. Even the smallest things they do, will make you melt and you just don't know why! To others, they maybe just a meh, but to you they are perfect. It's not that love is blind, it sees, but it just chooses to ignore. Their flaws become perfection for you and it feels like there's only you and them in the world.

As time goes by, your love for them either increases or it fades away. Time either concentrates, or dilutes. You just slowly drift away from each other not knowing why, not knowing how. You can no longer tolerate their once-loved personality and it feels like you are dating a totally different person. You don't put in as much as effort as before and you see each other less often. The once long night conversations become a simple 'goodnight' and then you lay on your bed thinking, what went wrong?
Both of you were matches, that burnt too brightly.

Is this the period where you realise that both of you are just not right together? Should you break up? Or should you continue mending this broken relationship? If you were meant to be, no matter how far you drift, you will always end up going back to each other. It takes patience, forgiveness and understanding to have a strong foundation in your relationship. The right one will love you no matter how hard it is to deal with you. They will love you on your darkest nights, on the days were you just aren't you, the days when you're sick, and on every other day. The right one won't make you keep on thinking, ' does he/she still love me?' because they show it so often, you would never doubt it. They don't mind your bad temper or bad habits because this is you.

It isn't hard to fall in love, but it's hard to stay in love. I think that falling in love isn't your choice, but staying in love is. You choose to tolerate their habits, you choose to be with them instead of your friends, you choose to buy them flowers and you choose to love them every day. It's the effort that counts. How often you show your love to them, is how much you choose them. The moment you stop putting in effort and showing your love, is the day they start doubting. And doubts are poison that intoxicates love.

Dear girls: Don't be too harsh on guys, they are not your ATM and they are certainly not your servant. Love is equal so if you wanna be pampered, pamper your guy too. Even though they don't often show, guys like to be showered with affection too. And also, don't be afraid to let go if the relationship is not what you want. You don't have to send nudes or do what he orders you to do, to gain his love. If he really loved you, he would never use authority to control you in this relationship in the first place. Respect yourself because you are human too. You deserve all the love the world can give, so don't settle for less. I know you may think he's the only guy in the world and you'll never find someone else, trust me, you will find someone who will love you in the ways your guy didn't. Set yourself free, travel, learn new things, grow and find yourself first. Always put yourself first because your life is in your hands, It's okay if he doesn't love you, you will love you.

Dear guys; Spoil your girl, but make sure they spoil you too. In a relationship, it requires equal effort so don't settle for a girl who treats you like a servant but still wants you to treat her like a queen. Vice versa, don't treat your girl like your maid and show authority. A relationship requires mutual respect. She didn't fall in love with you to become your full-time maid. There's no such thing as gender roles, it's already the 21st century. You don't have to 'man up' for girls to like you, you don't have to do what society tells you to. It's okay to cry, to be sad and to be angry, you have feelings too. Keeping it all inside won't help anyways. Tell your girl why you are the way you are, so she can be there for you and know how to comfort you because you are human too. Love yourself too, your world doesn't only revolve around one person.

Dear everyone: Never fall in love with looks because it'll fade away, instead, fall in love with personality. Don't settle if it's not what you want. Love is such a fragile thing so make sure you are completely ready before you settle. You've gotta be fair to yourself and others. And it's okay if you haven't found love yet, love will find you.

Monday 27 February 2017

The Four Letter Word, Love - Self Love

What is love? Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment (according to Wikipedia). It's a common misconception that love is only for girlfriends and boyfriends but don't forget love can also be for family, friends, pets and most importantly, for yourself. I think most people find it hard to love because they often put others first, before themselves. How can we repair others while we, ourselves, are still broken?

Depending on others for happiness and comfort is often satisfying but remember, not everyone stays. You are the patient, and love is your drug, When the drug runs out, what happens then? Do you seek a new drug to replace the old one? Do you give up? Everyone has a different solution but for me, i believe your drug should be self-love. Only you know how much it hurts and only you can repair your wounds. Putting your happiness in the hands of others is dangerous because who knows, it may be too much of a burden and eventually they'll drop it.

 It may seem difficult to love yourself because you have so many flaws that only you can see and you despise every bit of yourself. Every time you pass by your mirror, you find a new flaw and every time you talk to someone, you mentally collapse. I know how it feels, to feel so alone when there are so many people around you. I know how it feels to be afraid to show your true self because you are afraid that they may leave. You are not alone. It's hard accepting the things you hate the most about yourself but you have to try. What matters is your self-esteem and confidence. You have to accept this is who you are and you have to think positively. Don't be so harsh on yourself.

It's okay if you don't have a slim body and it's okay if you're not good at something. Everybody is different so why are we creating a universal standard that is unreachable?

The first step to loving yourself, is to accept who you are as a person. There are some things that can't be physically changed no matter how hard you try. Why not save your time and just leave it be? Who said it is not okay to have a tummy or long limbs or being short or having thick eyebrows or having single eyelids? The right people will love you just the way you are because you show them how to love you as you. The more you hate your flaws, the more you teach others that it is okay to point out your flaws and hate them. 

I know it's harder accepting your mental flaws but nothing is impossible. You may have a short temper or you may overthink about everything, but these things can be changed. It'll take time, even Disneyland wasn't built in a day. You've gotta let go and stop stressing yourself. Always take a few moments to breathe and think, 'is this healthy for my mind?', 'Is being angry at a small thing worth it?' For every minute you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness. Old habits die hard. Overthinking is so natural that every time you do something, you just think about it over and over again (aka me). You think, 'what if i didn't make this decision, would it change anything?', 'they must be laughing at what i did'. Everybody has their moments and these are the moments you need to think, you already made your decision so be it and move on. The more you overthink, the more doubts you'll have. In Mandarin they often say, '何必呢?', meaning 'what is the point?' Do you gain anything from the doubts?  You don't. 

You'll realise that once you start accepting who you are, you are much happier. Life is short, so why not live to the fullest? Do what makes you happy because no one can stop you. The only limit is yourself. 

It's easier said than done, but once you start loving yourself, love may find its way to you. The right ones will stay even seeing your worst side because they love you for who you are and not who you pretend to be. Don't be afraid to show them who you truly are, because the right ones won't run away but instead, take your hand and go on your journey, together. You don't need them to save you, you need to them to be by your side while you save yourself. 

It's a big world out there, the worst thing we could do is destroy each other by destroying love. Love yourself, love others, and you'll be loved.

Sunday 22 January 2017

How To Be Healthy and Lose Weight

The million-dollar question of the century. Don't be embarrassed if you've ever asked this question because it's ordinary. Thanks to the industrial revolution, fast and processed food become popular among the Western countries and soon spread to Asia. People wanted food to be quicker, cheaper, more convenient and better tasting. So what did the companies do? They added a 'touch' of preservatives, colourings, addictives, conditioners, enhancers, flavourings and god knows what else. Companies also started using pesticides and fertilisers for vegetables and growth-stimulating hormones for animals to increase their yield and mass. Customers were satisfied with what they were getting and their sales exploded. But not everything that glitters is gold.



The side effects did not emerge until the late 1990s where the number of people and children becoming obese had shot up. More and more people were developing cardiovascular and circulatory diseases and people were dying younger and younger. The percentage of people becoming obese in the United States grew from less than 15 percent to 30 percent or higher between 1990s and late 2000s (according to Harvard School of Health).The public were not aware and even if they were, they would not have cared.  If food was good, it meant life was good. It wasn't entirely their fault because after years and years of living off scraps, they finally had the chance to afford good food. 

Till this day, the fast food market continues to thrive as the younger generation aka us, are more adventurous with our food and always like to take a step further. Our curiosity and society shapes us to always want whatever everyone wants and just follow the trend. Fortunately, our awareness of the food we consume is kicking back thanks to social networks, News spread and they spread fast.

So what can we do to avoid putting rubbish into our bodies? It is impossible to entirely remove these foods because everything we eat already contains chemicals but we can try to avoid it the most we can. 

1. Avoid Processed and Fast Food
These are a big no-no because not only do they contain chemicals our body cannot break down, they also contain a large amount of saturated fats and sugar. As the intake is excessive, our body stores it around our vessels and the build up may pose threat to our circulatory system. 

2. Eat Less Meat, More Greens
Meats are high in cholesterol and fats so eating more meat will increase the risks of developing heart diseases, diabetes and cancer (according to Grace Communications Foundation). On the other hand, vegetables contain a higher amount of protein, zinc, magnesium and fibre. It also contains low fats.

By eating less meat, we reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere, thus slowing down climate change. To satisfy the demand of the public, livestock farmers have to clear land to make space for the animals especially cows. This means trees are cut down and a reduction in the conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen. Also, animals release much more carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere (according to Skeptical Science).

3. Reduce Intake of Rice and Other Carbs
This may be hard to do as everybody knows, Asians love rice and noodles. As it is a carbohydrate, it contains large amounts of energy and protein. Combined with fish, meat, soup and vegetables, the intake of energy becomes higher and higher. When we take in more energy than our body needs, our body stores it as fat. 

To balance your diet, try to eat an amount of rice the size of your fist. This ensures we do not eat too less or too much. If it is possible, try to reduce the amount of carbs day by day. I personally try to eat only one serving of rice or noodles per day. But always remember, to eat more protein (still less) and vegetables to make sure you have enough energy. 
Remember, not eating will not make you lose weight.

4.  Eat Less, More Often
Some people perceive that we should eat fewer meals a day and more every serving. This is totally wrong because eating more every meal will cause your stomach to expand and less able to shrink back. This causes you to permanently eat more because when you eat less, you are less satisfied and your mind tricks you into eating more. Also, you may get gastric when you stay too long without eating. By eating smaller servings and more meals, it regulates your blood sugar so you reach your satisfaction and become hungry less often. Every two to three hours, try to grab snacks or small meals.

5. Say No To Supper
Eating late at night causes your body to take in more calories thus making it easier for you to gain weight. This isn't the case for everyone but eating at night often leads to a gain of extra calories which will cause weight gain. If you are hungry at night, try to eat light snacks and avoid heavy meals.

6. Get Enough Sleep
Not getting enough sleep can also lead to weight gain as it causes your metabolism rate to go down. A lack of sleep messes up with our hormones often lead us to eating 'comfort' foods (according to Webmd). We are all guilty of this so it's time to catch up on our sleep.

7. Exercise
This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go to the gym and work your ass off, but it can just be a stroll in the park or walking up extra flights of stairs. Allowing your muscles to be frequently moving will keep your engine going. It also burns off the extra calories you have taking in. Only exercising will not make you lose weight but there must be a balance of eating healthily too. Many people have the misconception that working out alone and not changing their eating habits will help them lose weight. What's the point in losing so many calories at the gym and putting twice as much back into your body right afterwards? 

Start with light exercises and slowly your body will get used to it. If you don't like working out at the gym, you can even try dancing, a much more enjoyable way to burn those calories. It depends on what your workout style is like, one size does not fit all. If it works for you, then go ahead and work that body.

A lot of factors contribute to your health so make sure you have a balance in all of them. This also includes genetics so if you are not losing weight, it's okay. What matters is you are trying your best to be healthy. Don't be afraid if the results don't show up immediately. Slow progress is still progress so don't give up! 

Friday 20 January 2017


When it comes to the end of another year, each one of us make lists and lists of resolutions we want accomplish like saving enough money to buy a new bag, getting a significant other, getting good grades, losing weight and so on. And i believe that most of the time, these resolutions don't get completed and are delayed for the upcoming year. It's like even though we are determined and we try so hard, the resolutions always slip away like sand. Why is that? Were we not hardworking enough? Or maybe the stars weren't in our favour? (Blaming the stars and constellations makes the most sense.)

Maybe, just maybe, we are asking too much of ourselves. It seems easy to just let it come out of your mouth, but when it comes to the doing, it's more difficult than it seems. I'm not saying it's impossible to achieve and tick off those things on the bucket list but i think maybe we should focus on the small and simpler things before we move to the bigger picture. Here are some things you might want to swap your current resolutions with:

1. Finding Yourself
It does seem kinda lame but this is the most important thing you'll want to accomplish. In our current society, everybody is working their asses off to make as much money as they can so they can 'prove' to others that you know, they made it. But did they really make it? Just being able to pay off bills and saving money to most people is all they need, but to me, i don't call that making it, i call it just surviving. They aren't 'living', they are like robots going to work, doing the same job over and over again. They are trapped in the same position doing something they may despise. It really saddens me to see that little fire burning inside of them slowly going out day by day. Eventually when the fire burns out, they lose satisfaction, contentedness and their will to live. Their existence then becomes questionable. 

Majority of us are still in our teens so that means we have time on our side right? That's right and also wrong. The clock is always ticking and it will eventually run out. Since we are still young, we need to find the things that make us feel alive and make us worth living for. Everybody has something that makes the fire in us burn brighter, and most of us are yet to find it. It could be anything, from finding a partner to cooking, sports, writing stories, helping others, teaching, fixing and building things,  makeup, recycling, fishing, etc. It really comes down to what you are passionate about. 

They say once you find your passion, your future seems clear and your existence is no longer a big question mark. It's like being on top of the world, and enjoying the view. You gain satisfaction and overall, you are just full of jubilancy. I quote this because personally, i have yet to find that passion. I think this is the most case of students just graduating because our whole entire lives, we were told what to do and what not to do. Like roads, our paths were already laid out for us. We were supposed to go to school, engage in some activities and maybe help out a bit at home. And that was it. But by finishing high school, we reach the end of our laid paths and suddenly our futures are placed back into our hands. Just a few months ago, i still had to ask for permission to go to the toilet and now you expect me to know what to do with my life and be able to feed myself? All i can ask is, how?

Don't feel useless if you don't know what to do or what you like to do because i feel the same. We weren't exposed to different things when we were younger because we just had to memorise a few hundred pages and that was that. Education systems do have a play in this. The period after graduating and starting college, is the time to just go for it. Try everything. Work in cafes, offices, supermarkets, schools, centres, clinics, pharmacies, petrol stations, saloons, and the list goes on. You'll always learn something. Don't be afraid to start from the bottom because everybody needs to start somewhere, right? And maybe from there, you'll be one step closer to you finding your passion. Find out what you like and what you don't like; this way you'll know what courses you want to take for the job you want. My teacher told me to always work backwards. Where do you see yourself in ten, twenty years? Vision yourself and then only decide what course you want to take. If you want it, you gotta work for it. 

2. Don't Let Your Happiness Depend On Someone Else
How many times has your friend told you she/he can't live without someone? I'm not afraid to admit i am that very friend. I find it incredibly hard to imagine my life without the someone i love. I know it won't be the end of the world, but i feel like it would be. The very thought of it just devours my happiness. I know i shouldn't let someone else define my happiness but what can i do? 

Finding someone to be there for you and to love you the way you are is not wrong, but make sure to not lose yourself by loving them. You CAN live without them, but you choose not to. As i said previously, everything is a choice. I once read a quote on twitter and i think it's something to live by: I don't want you to save me, i want you to stand by me while i save myself'. 

What happens when the person who holds your happiness leaves? You are left alone, with nothing. You'll find it hard to pick yourself up again and continuing with your life. This will really be the end of your world. For those who have experienced or is experiencing this, i know how it feels and you are not alone. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family, or even strangers online. In your darkest days, will you only know who is truly by your side. Continuing with life may seem hard but hey, no one said it was easy right? 

3. Go To New Places/ Meet New People
By meeting new people and going to new places, it will really open your eyes. It could just be a trip to a town, or going to a foreign supermarket or even just going to a law firm! Just observe the place and what people are doing there. I went to a high-end Japanese Supermarket in central KL once and i never know a tomato could cost me RM50, no kidding. I mean like, do people actually buy this stuff? My eyes TOTALLY opened about how some people live their lives by eating posh tomatoes. The employees there were wearing traditional Japanese outfits and i learnt this was part of the Japanese culture. 

I also went to a small law firm and trust me, it was not a pleasant sight. You could see files piling up on desks, chairs and cabinets were packed until i felt pity for them. The lawyers working there were not glamorous and opulent like how movies and dramas portrayed them to be. That moment i knew, to not judge a book by its cover. You only see what they chose to show you. You never saw how hard they worked to get that licence or to get where they are today.

From this, you learn a little bit about everything and sometimes it can teach you life lessons. Maybe, you will learn how to become a better you.

4. Change Your Perspectives
Maybe you could never accomplish your resolutions because of the way you saw the world. Ask your friends and family and absorb what they honestly think about about you. If it's mostly negative, it's time to change. Narcissism, pessimism, supremacism may be what's trapping you in not moving forward. If you think you are better than everyone, i'm here to say you are not. CHANGE. If you think you are worth less than everybody else, i'm not afraid to say, we are not vegetables in a market and we do not have a value. CHANGE.  If you think the colour of someone's skin defines them, you need some education. CHANGE. 

Think of everyone is on a mission. Different individual missions to different individual destinations. We are all fighting our own battles and have our own shit to deal with. So why do you compare yourself with them in the first place? Why do you make it harder for yourself and others? Instead, lend them a helping hand when they are at their low, and praise them at their high. Everybody needs support even if it's just a tiny bit.

To add on, don't bring others down so you can step on their confidence and self esteem to raise yourself. People aren't going to be envious of you so get that stupid mindset out of your mind. What goes up, must always come down (reference to Sir Isaac Newton and also Lighters by Bad Meets Evil). If you want to make the world a better place, start with yourself. 

Don't forget to love yourself and to show love to others. The world needs more love, not war.
I hope 2017 will be a much more tolerable year. Here's to us!

Wednesday 18 January 2017


Do you get those weird random ideas in the middle of the day where you just casually stare at an object and BAM a totally unrelated idea pops into your head? Well, the resurrection of this blog was one of them. Just yesterday, i was thinking about something and i just had this tiny little bit of inspiration to write and write and write. I don't know why i gave this blog up about 3 years ago. I mean, there could be a lot of contributions to this blog's death like maybe i was too bored of writing, i had no time (the amount of homework was killing me) or i just lost the motivation to. Everybody loses motivation somehow. It's like if you had to do the same monotonous thing everyday, surely you will slack and find something else to spark inspiration.

A lot has happened in this few years and i guess i should have continued writing so that i could have something to look back now but no regrets. Recently, these 2 years i have had a so called 'no life' life where all i did was go to school, come back, do my homework, study and repeat. I was and am still not a big fan of dramas or going out (well at least i'm trying now) so i guess my lifestyle was a choice. To sum it up, it was kinda enjoying for me because just the thought of chillaxing at home and just being able to be myself was just so soothing. That naive young me would have never imagined what was coming at her in 2016.

2016 was like a rollercoaster ride except there were no seat belts, no stop buttons, no insurance and it was on fire. It was an ultimate mess. Everything came too quickly at once and that was the moment i realised i was in deep shit. It was so deep, i almost broke down a few times. The exhaustion was mental, physical and emotional. And then life decided this wasn't enough and added a few piles of stress, some sprinkles of issues and truck loads of sadness. I was lost and had no clear direction. Bits and pieces of me began breaking and there was no glue strong enough to stick them back together.I was on the verge of my worst break down a few days before my exams and i guess you could say my world almost ended at that very moment. I had lost motivation to do anything and i couldn't focus. I didn't know what to do.  Fortunate enough, i barely made it out alive but i'm glad i did. I am grateful for the people who took the effort to try to stick my pieces back together and those who stood by me at my worst. I learnt a lesson in 2016, it was that at your worst moment, there will always be people there for you even if you are unaware.They're are like stars, you don't always see them, but they are always there.

I don't wish for anything in 2017 because wishing seems useless because i believe everyone carries their own future. Everything is a choice and the choices you make will lead you to wherever you are destined. I want to find myself and find out what i truly like to do because you know i did not have a past life. To anyone who is reading this, have faith and courage.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Accept Your Flaws

How many of us are perfect? Let's see. NO ONE. No one is perfect. No individual has the perfect everything. Well, there could be but each human being has a different opinion so my kind of 'perfect' could be different from your type of 'perfect'. Some people prefer petite girls while others prefer slender and tall girls. All of us have our own type so why do we still want others to have the same mindset about perfection?

We were all created to be different because if all of us are the same, then what's the point? Imagine if all the characters in a movie were the same, how boring and monotonous would that be? Imagine if Lindsay Lohan acted all the characters in Mean Girls or if Jennifer Lawrence played all the tributes in The Hunger Games Trilogy. HOW BORING WOULD THAT BE OMG.

Society narrows our mindsets about beauty to all the stereotypes. Only girls with big breasts are beautiful. All guys should have abs. Every girl's eyebrows should be on fleek. Girls must cake their face with makeup. So what happens to they girls who naturally have small breasts? The guys who don't have abs? The girls who don't wear makeup? They get criticism which makes them want to change themselves and to be accepted by society.We are all trying to impress people with things that aren't even important. That's how competitive our society is.

We need to stop this right now. One way is to accept our flaws. Everyone has flaws. For me, my flaws are that i don't have thick eyebrows. My eyebrows are quite light and thin and most of the time, people make fun of them. I used to hate it when people did that, i thought it was a kind of insult. But now, i just shrug and forget. I can't stop them from making comments, so why should i waste my time trying to change the way i look? So what if i don't have thick eyebrows? Will it make me a better person? Another flaw is that i am dark. Let me rephrase that. I am tanned. I'm an ambivert which means i like going outdoors and also staying indoors. I like playing sports so it's not a surprise that i'll stay under the sun and get tanned. I also went to Phuket and Maldives which means A HELLA LOT OF SUNSHINE. I was also quite pressured by society and i hated the fact that i was so tanned. I used to hate myself and blame myself but now i don't really give a damn anymore. If someone commented on my skin tone, then i'll just admit it and let them be. 

The next time people comment on the way you look or the way you talk, don't let the comments bring you down. Accept your flaws and move on. Being 'perfect' doesn't have a sentimental value anyway and besides, will you still have your 'perfection' when you grow old? All your beauty will trickle away as you age. 

One advice,' The moment you accept your flaws, no one can use them against you.'

Monday 2 September 2013

How To Get Rid Of Your Bad Habits

We all have habits, things that we do routinely, almost as a second nature. However, have you ever wondered whether some of the things that you've been doing for so long are bad for you?
People live with their bad habits because they haven't realized how bad those habits are, it's too hard to get rid of them or getting rid of them has not become enough of a priority. Here are some self-improvement tips to get rid of your bad habits:
1.Study Your Bad Habits
Breaking a bad habit is not easy. Unless you truly understand the root of the problem, you won't be able to devise a strategy to get rid of it. Consider asking yourself the questions below:
  • When did you acquire the habit?
  • Why is that you have the habit?
  • What is the need that it fulfills?
  • How bad do you want to get rid of the habit?
  • How would you benefit from getting rid of the habit?
2. Be specific

Being specific is about making sure you are accountable to yourself. For instance, telling yourself that you want to 'eat healthier' is the path to failure. Doe it mean that you get to eat junk food once in a while, as long as you eat a healthy meal to compensate? Giving yourself general goals is opening the door to excuses. They only way to avoid going down this path is to be clear on what you need to do or avoid doing. for instance, in keeping with the example above, if you tell yourself that you will drink tea in the morning instead of coffee or that you will eat at a restaurant only once a week (including take-out), you will be in the position to keep yourself accountable.

5. Reminders

The difficulty most people face when they want to change habits is that they lose motivation after a while. It's easy to fall back onto our old habits, our old selves. A simple trick to fix this is to incorporate reminders in your daily life to keep you on track. A simple reminder, yet very effective, is to modify your email password (or other password) to add a reference to your solution. Let's say your resolution is to exercise twice a week for at least 30 minutes. Your email password could be '30mgymweekx2'. Every time you log into your email, you will be reminded of your resolution. The best part of this, nobody else needs to know.

And the last tip is to believe in yourself and have determination. See where you failed last time and avoid repeating the same mistakes. 

Sunday 30 December 2012

Why Malaysians Speak Manglish

What is Manglish or Rojak Languages?
Manglish is a English-based creole that is spoken in Malaysia.
The vocabulary consists of words originating from English , Malay , Hokkien , Mandarin , Cantonese , Tamil .
Manglish is also known as Rojak or Bahasa Rojak.
Similiar to Manglish : Singlish.
Malaysians talk Manglish . Including me. LOL

Examples of Manglish :

  • action - show-off or to act
  • blur - confused 
  • cincai - casually , simple doing things 
  • pai-seh - ashamed , embarrassed/embarrassing
  • chomp - stamp
  • la-la - used to describe girls with heavy make-up and outstanding taste of clothes
  • noob - useless , lousy
  • kacau - to disturb
  • makan - to eat
  • pengsan - to faint
  • ponteng - to skip school/classes
  • saman - to issue a fine 
  • tahan - to bear , to stand
  • yam-cha - go have a drink 
  • gostan - reverse a vehicle
  • alamak - oh no !
  • Walao eh - exclamation of amazement/wonder/marve;
  • And many many more.....
And there are sentences or phrases . For Example :

Manglish Jokes :

Sunday 16 December 2012

The Shooting In Connecticut

So yesterday , all around Facebook , everyone was talking about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School , Newton , Connecticut.
Out of 28 people killed , 20 of them were children.
I don't know how the hell do people do such things to children.
But if you're the parents of these children , it really hurts how your child has gone so soon.
In the morning , you sent them to school , saying ' I'll be right here when you come back'.
After school , you're waiting and waiting , and you realize , they are never coming back.
'I hate to say this , but this isn't going to be the last time' said Brown , a member of Mothers United Against Violence.
'It's alright in America to have a gun - but if it's alright for everybody to have a gun , then why are we here today?' he asked .
'Something is wrong with the picture.. People don't need guns'.
Robbie Parker , the father of six-year-old Emilie who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting , fights back tears as he speaks during a news conference.
This is Victoria.
She hid her first-grade students in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire.
When the shooter came to her classroom , she told him that the children was in the gym.
He then gunned her down , and moved on.
She saved all the lives of her students.

A younger photo of Adam Lanza , the suspect involved the shooting of 28 people.
Ryan Lanza , the brother of suspect Adam Lanza.

 A police source said that alleged gunman Adam Lanza was involved in some kind of trouble at Sandy Hook Elementary School earlier this week.
The source said the altercation was between Lanza and four adults, and occurred on Thursday , the day before the shooting.
Three of the adults , the source added , were killed during Friday's shooting .
The source was unable to say whether the disagreement took place inside or outside of the school , but said it apparently had something to do with him trying to enter the school.
Please Pray For Them .